The Bare Tree… (day 27)

They say our lives mirror the ebbs and flows of the seasons. The trouble with this is that we all want our lives to be in a constant state of spring and summer, new beginnings and warm days. However, even the strongest person could not maintain this perfection. We all need time to rejuvenate and clean out the things that no longer serve us.

It is during this time, the winter months, when we may be able to see things more clearly. If we stand on top of a hill during the summer and look around we would see a lush sea of green, making it difficult to know what beauty lies beneath. Fall will come and the leaves will die, giving us a better view of the beauty below the next time we are on the hill.

Just like the seasons, we too need time to clear out the clutter to be able to see the true beauty that lies within. The harder we work during the winter months to let go, the more space will be available for the grace and refinement we were meant to be.

Photo by Todd Trapani on

One response to “The Bare Tree… (day 27)”

  1. This is stunning. The image sits in contrast with the richness of the words and I think I landed here for an important lesson: “The harder we work during the winter months to let go, the more space will be available for the grace and refinement we were meant to be.” Thank you for such beauty and wisdom.


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